Cumulative is a newsletter for heads of software engineering organizations. Cumulative is written by me, Karim Fanous. I’ve been a VP of Engineering at various startups - Qumulo, Dremio and StrongDM - since 2015. This newsletter captures some of my main learning & challenges with managing fast paced and growing software engineering organizations.

Below are some notable posts that highlight some of the topics I write about.

You can also suggest topics through this form. I can be reached on LinkedIn or Twitter.

The logo for this publication is by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash


Subscribe to Cu(m^2)ulative

A newsletter for heads of engineering at startups. I cover the joys and challenges of running software engineering organizations at fast-paced startups.


Startup veteran, 4x engineering leadership at startups: Qumulo, Dremio, Kheiron Medical and presently @StrongDM