Sitemap - 2023 - Cu(m^2)ulative

The Book of 2024: Consolidation, death and resurgence

Predicting software developer productivity in the age of AI

Zero Trust: Lesson from Las Vegas

A lake, a cloud, a house and a warehouse

Navigating the economic storm: Is the worst behind us?

Commercializing open source projects

Beware of transitions in incremental software development

The 7 deadly sins of the product management and engineering relationship

Navigating choppy waters: focus, execution & tenacity FTW

Should you spiff your engineering teams?

Best practices for working with outsourced software development companies

Competing against incumbents: Flank them

SaaS tiered pricing: why do it & its implications to engineering

Embracing the uncertainty: Risk management in product planning

5 common mistakes in product planning

How can engineering learn from sales losses?

Is "do more with less" the right question to ask?

Writing: An overlooked engineering leadership skill?

Unlocking the Power of AI: Revolutionizing Software Development

How to not dig yourself into a $65M hole

Prioritizing engineering work-items: A real-life knapsack problem

Modeling risk-adjusted startup compensation packages

Tactics to help reign in cloud costs

Do you want to maintain high CSAT?

Using trade-shows as a product launchpad can galvanize a company

Neal Fachan: Software testing best practices

What is the ideal software development team size?

Reposting: How the future is human+AI

The sad state of software testing

Software development teams rarely buy products

What's the ROI of R&D?

Cut, cut, cut: A framework to navigate which costs to cut and why

Startups need to evolve from a unicorn to a cockroach

Software engineering metrics! What to track, how often and for whom

Platform Engineering: What is it and why the recent hype?

The evolving nature of the Engineering-Support relationship